COROOS develops revolutionairy plant-based ingrediënts and product solutions! An entire new product range based on aquafaba (egg-white replacement), single strength vegetable- and fruit purees, ready-to-use pulses and others, will be made available for food producers and food professionals around the world. We create our products by pureeing the edible part of the whole fruit or vegetable, without removing the juice or fibres. Based on these ingrediënts COROOS can supply tasty, healthy, plant-based products like alternatives for dairy, meat replacements, hummus, soups, sauces, purees, smoothies, drinks and more.
Visit COROOS at PLMA Hall 7 stand 7.J01
COROOS is a Dutch family business that has been creating solutions for vegetables, fruit and pulses since 1957 and delivers them all around the world. In two high-tech production facilities, sustainable food products are made by more than 580 people every day. With this new range of customized food solutions, COROOS unburdens other food producers in their processes and takes over part of the mise-en-place of professional kitchens. With possibilities to deliver these products in bags between 1 to 1000 kilograms, there’s a solution for everyone.
Richard Corsmit CEO COROOS says: “With our knowledge, we have succeeded in preparing revolutionary meat and dairy replacement solutions in bulk packaging for professionals, with benefits in multiple ways: We deliver quality and convenience and we are proud to be able to contribute in making the food industry more sustainable.” COROOS offerings come for food producers in these categories:
In samenwerking met partners CZAV en Casibeans wordt dit jaar voor COROOS ruim 100 hectare met Rode Kidneybonen ingezaaid. Door deze samenwerking neemt COROOS een heel groot deel van de Nederlandse teelt voor haar rekening en zorgt daarmee voor een flinke stap voorwaarts in de groei van het aanbod van de Nederlandse Rode Kidneybonen voor de consument.
COROOS attends PLMA 2024 with mild pasteurised plant-based ingrediënts and product solutions!
The Banana Factory opende begin 2023 binnen de muren van COROOS haar deuren om anders afgekeurde bananen, te redden van onnodige vernietiging door hier bananenpuree van te maken. Naast reguliere bananenpuree, maakt het innovatieve bedrijf in samenwerking met Coroos nu ook biologisch gecertificeerde bananenpuree zodat ook bio producenten kunnen werken met "no-waste" bananenpuree.